Disney Pop, Street Dance , Hip-Hop & Commercial

Disney Pop

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  • Disney Pop Dance

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Disney Pop is a brilliant, fun, energetic dance class for those budding little performers and children who just love to dance. 

Disney Pop is also the perfect start for those who may wish to continue onto Musical Theatre or Street Dance once they reach the appropriate age.

Children will learn a warm-up and practice fun steps including skipping, galloping, kicks, jumps & turns. Routines are taught to their favourite songs from a mixture of Disney films, pop music and also a touch of Musical Theatre.

Disney Pop is perfect for little ones aged 3-5 years.
Free taster class - register now

Street Dance

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Street Dance is a fun and energetic class which uses current music that pupils love. 

This is a non syllabus class, which allows pupils to dance and have fun with their friends, whilst learning street dance skills and improving strength and flexibility. New and exciting choreography is worked on throughout each term.

Junior Street Pop 5 - 8 years
Junior Street Dance 8 – 11 years
Inter Street Dance 11 -14 years
Senior Street Dance 14 -18 years
Free taster class - register now

Hip-Hop & Commercial

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Hip-Hop is a fusion dance genre that incorporates elements of popping, locking, breaking, jazz and other dance styles. Our high energy classes will include the above variety of styles performed to Hip-Hop, R&B and pop music.

Junior 5 - 11 years

Senior 12 -18 years

Free taster class - register now
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