When producing a performance Dance Act has to apply for a Body of Persons Authorisation (BOPA) from the local authority, under s.37 Children & Young Persons Act 1963. Dance Act has to complete a local authority spreadsheet which requires the following data – child’s name, date of birth, post code, area where child is living and main authority. This information is securely passed onto the local authority for them to approve whether the performance can take place. Dance Act will always send data to the local authority using their encrypted channels.
Dance Act is also required under the BOPA to retain this information for 6months from the date of the performance, after which Dance Act will securely destroy the information it holds.
When the Dance Act Performance Team partake in performances which outside companies are producing, Dance Act have to provide information as above to these companies. This information is sent securely to the company.
Parents may request to see the policies of any third party which Dance Act has sent information to, by contacting Dance Act in the first instance, who will provide a link to this information.
Under the ‘BOPA’ regulations, Dance Act has to collect informationon the licensed chaperones, to include their full name, local authority &expiry date of license. Any additional DBS chaperones will be required to provide their full name, DBS number and DBS issue date. This information held by Dance Act will also be securely destroyed after 6months from the date of the performance.
Emergency numbers:
Dance Act requires to keep emergency telephone numbers and details of any known relevant allergies/medical conditions of all dancers attending classes at Dance Act. This is for the purpose of safeguarding whilst in lessons& during a rehearsal,or a performance. This information will be securely destroyed in line with the deletion of data section.
Deletion of data:
All information will be stored for one full academic year (unless otherwise stated) after the child has left Dance Act. An academic year runs from September- July inclusive.
Shared data for marketing:
At no time will this data be shared or sold to a third party for marketing purposes.
How we protect your data:
Dance Act will keep all electronic information confidentially on encrypted and/or password protected locations and is only accessible by relevant Dance Act staff, requiring access in order to undertake their role within the dance school. When required, individual documents will have additional passwords or be encrypted. All confidential paperwork is kept in a lockable filing cabinet.
We also use Membermeister to collect & store information, to produce timetables & invoices, for communications & to manage student classes & registers.
Dance Act will ensure that student data is deleted from Membermeister within a term of leaving the school.
For more information about how Membermeister store your data click here
Data movement:
All personal data exchanged between Dance Act and other organisations will be sent securely in one of the following ways:
• Via encrypted transfer of documents
• Via a pass-word protected document (password provided by Dance Act)
• Via postal service (where a physical signature is required)
The right of access:
At any point an individual can make a request relating to their data and Dance Act will need to provide a response with one month. Dance Act can refuse a request, if they have a lawful obligation to retain data, but we will inform the individual of the reasons for the rejection. The individual will have the right to complain to the ICO if they are not happy with our decision.
The right to erasure:
You have the right to request the deletion of your data where there is no compelling reason for its continued use. Dance Act has a legal duty to keep both child and parent details (as previously stated) for a reasonable time. All information will be stored for one full academic year after the student has left Dance Act. An academic year runs from September- July inclusive.
Pupil accident and injury records:
These will be kept on file for 19 years (or until the child reaches 21 years) and 22 years (or until the child reaches 24 years) for Child Protection records.
Email Distribution:
Dance Act uses MailChimp to send out communications and information but will not be undertaking any marketing campaigns using this service. Dance Act provides MailChimp with your email address and name, which is required to send you the email communication. No personal information is gathered by MailChimp other than that which Dance Act have already provided (email and name). MailChimp do collect non-personalised information.
Dance Act Theatre & Associate Schools
August 2021